Benguet Native Pig


Location: Marinduque State College
Poctoy, Torrijos, Marinduque
Contact Person: Dr. Randell R. Reginio
Contact at 0999 924 5638 or
On November 2012, the Marinduque State College purchased one male and two female native pigs. These numbers increased to 42 heads by 2014. Additional 38 native pigs (2 males and 36 females) were purchased from the municipalities of Santa Cruz, Mogpog, and Boac through the DOST-PCAARRD R&D Program on Conservation, Improvement, and Profitable Utilization of Philippine Native Pig.
As of March, 2019, the Marinduque State College has a population of 50 sows and 10 boars; and 50 selected females in the nucleus herd.
Both male and female Markaduke have straight hair type, plain black color and pattern, smooth skin type, and semi-lop ears. They have straight head shape, tail type, and backline.
On average, the mature pig grows to 67 centimeters in length for both males and females with head length of 28 centimeters for males and 27 centimeters for females.
On an average, both males and females have pelvic width of 13 centimeters and 13 teats.
Straight Hair | Plain Black Coat | Straight Head | Smooth Skin | Semi-lop Ears | Straight Tail | Straight Backline
Body Weight at 180 Days, kg
28.16 ± 11.34
25.22 ± 8.33
Head Length, cm
28.25 ± 4.13
26.89 ± 2.85
Body Length, cm
67.57 ± 9.83
67.02 ± 10.49
Pelvic Width, cm
12.92 ± 1.64
13.07 ± 2.27
Number of Normal Teats
13.93 ± 1.49
13.22 ± 1.30
*data as of March, 2019
Reproductive Performance
Markaduke sows farrow 7 piglets, weighing 0.74 kilogram on average. The average weaning weight is 3.65 kilograms at 43 days old.
Birth Weight, kg
0.74 ± 0.14
Littersize at Birth
7.23 ± 2.16
Number of Males
3.08 ± 1.51
Number of Females
3.77 ± 1.54
Weaning Weight, kg
3.65 ± 1.07
Age at Weaning, days
42.68 ± 1.51
*data as of March, 2019